Big dips on I-680 north of Capitol Expressway still creating dangerous situations: Roadshow

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Q: In San Jose just north of the Capitol Expressway exit on Interstate 680, there is a raised section of the road. It is like hitting a speed bump when you get to it, and about 30 feet later you have a similar drop.

I totaled my car here the day before Thanksgiving in 2019. It was raining heavily and a large puddle had formed on the far end. My car hydroplaned and slammed into the center divider. About two weeks ago, I was following a semi truck in the opposite direction. When the truck hit the bump, it instantly jumped about a foot to the right.

I know that I am not the only person to have an accident here and don’t know who to contact about this area.

Can you help to raise awareness about this problem so that it can be corrected?

Chris Ciraulo

A: This has been a problem for years. Caltrans has made some attempts to smooth out the big differences between pavement levels here, but this has gone on way too long.

Q: I am a handicapped Vietnam vet. I did five tours and for that service got a Vietnam Service Medal, Presidential Unit Citation, Combat Action Ribbon, Navy Achievement Medal and two Bronze Stars.

I have been informed by the DMV that I cannot get a REAL ID driver’s license because my only address is a P.O. box in Belmont. I’d better keep renewing my passport.

G. (Scooter) Schooley, Belmont

A: You may be right. All REAL ID customers must present one proof-of-identity document and two different printed documents that show their California mailing address. For REAL ID customers who use a P.O. box, at least one proof-of-residence document must show the applicant’s P.O. box, as well as their physical residence address. The other document only needs to show their P.O. box address. Both documents must show the applicant’s first and last names and the same mailing address as on their REAL ID application.

Q: My wife had a very bad experience getting her REAL ID. She did all her online paperwork, made an appointment at the Los Gatos DMV, arrived 10 minutes early, had her documents checked, then was told to take a seat and wait for her number to be called. She waited and waited. An hour and fifteen minutes later, she was finally called up. This was not the in-and-out experience some people have described. Total time at the DMV: over two hours.

Steve Brock

A: That is a long wait, especially with an appointment. Fortunately, most experiences with getting REAL IDs lately seem to have been positive.

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