Happy Thanksgiving from America’s political cartoonists

To help us survive ourselves, The Associated Press has published a handy guide to a healthy and safe holiday.

CNN is offering tips for establishing and enforcing boundaries with encroaching relatives.

The Washington Post is reminding its subscribers that the U.S. Department of Agriculture recommends 1 pound of turkey per dinner guest among those celebrating the 400-year-old tradition.

The Bay Area News Group, meantime, is here to explain why cranberries are the only regular Thanksgiving item that went down in price amid this year’s record inflation, provide travelers with last-minute pointers to save money, help you find beverages to elevate and eliminate worry over what goes well with turkey and bring you these holiday-themed political cartoons.

Gary McCoy, Shiloh, IL 
Rick McKee, CagleCartoons.com 


John Darkow, Columbia Missourian 


Jeff Koterba, Cagle Cartoons 
Rick McKee, CagleCartoons.com 


Chris Britt, Creators 


John Cole, TennesseeLookout.com 
Mike Luckovich, The Atlanta Journal Constitution 


Pat Bagley, The Salt Lake Tribune 
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