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Most American goldfinches migrant to warmer climes during the winter, but some  opt to stay t. is seen on a feeder, Sunday, May 10, 2020, in Lutherville-Timonium, Md. (AP Photo/Julio Cortez)
Julio Cortez/Associated Press archives
Most American goldfinches migrant to warmer climes during the winter, but some opt to stay t. is seen on a feeder, Sunday, May 10, 2020, in Lutherville-Timonium, Md. (AP Photo/Julio Cortez)

DEAR JOAN: During the recent cold snap I observed a small yellow finch sitting motionless on the walkway around the pool. I have a nyjer seed feeder in a maple tree on the other side of the pool, and it was populated with several finches at the time.

I watched this little bird for several minutes, walked around it, and it didn’t move. Thinking it was just cold or resting, I went into the house. Several minutes later, I returned to check on this little bird, and it was still sitting there. It then flew a short distance to a bush, and seemed to follow me from bush to bush as I walked back to the house. 

I was torn. Was it just cold, or sick? It seemed to be asking me to take it into the warm house, which was not possible, as I have a cat. 

Several minutes later, I returned to check, and found the bird had flown (presumably) into the pool, and was deceased.

My question is: Was this bird ill, or could it have just been cold? What should I have done, under perfect circumstances?

— Nancy McKiernan, Sunnyvale

DEAR NANCY: From your description, it was an American goldfinch, and while most goldfinches migrate to warmer climates to the south, some of our goldfinches are more or less permanent residents of the Bay Area.

Even though we’ve had cold temperatures, the birds that we see in our neighborhoods are able to keep themselves warm, comparatively. Their feathers are great insulation, and they can puff themselves up to trap warmer air under the feathers and against their skin. Sure, we’d be complaining, but the birds abide.

We can’t know for certain what happened to the goldfinch in your yard. I think it’s very likely based on your description of its actions, that it was ill. Considering how quickly it perished, bringing it inside would not have helped. I’m afraid that it already was past the point of rescue.

Should you have another encounter such as this, you could attempt to capture it, place it in a shoe box or other container, and take it to a wild bird rescue.

DEAR JOAN: I want to redo part of my yard this winter. It faces East. I would like to put in plants that will attract birds and butterflies. I would appreciate any suggestions.

— Carolle Carter, Campbell

DEAR CAROLLE: There is an entire galaxy of plants to explore. The challenge will be in sorting them out and picking your favorites.

I’d recommend looking at California natives, which will not only be better acclimated to your yard, but will appeal to the birds and butterflies that live here. The plants, once established, will thrive on less water.

Your best option in narrowing your choices and falling in love with certain plants is to explore the nurseries in your area to see what they have to offer. Look for ones that have a large selection of California natives. Talk with the staff there about requirements for the plants regarding sun and water, and ask what some of their favorites are.

Books also are a good place to start, especially ones written specifically for the Bay Area and Northern California, such as “Native Plant Gardening for Birds, Bees & Butterflies: Northern California” by George Oxford Miller (Adventure Publications).

A fun website to explore is California Native Plant Society’s Calscape, You can put in your address and find suggestions for plants.

Contact Joan Morris at

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