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Choose chew toys based on your puppy’s style. Is he an inhaler of chew toys or a nibbler? (Getty Images)
Choose chew toys based on your puppy’s style. Is he an inhaler of chew toys or a nibbler? (Getty Images)

DEAR JOAN: I periodically watch my daughter’s two dogs, an 8-month old Shorky (half Shih Tzu and half Yorkshire Terrier) and a 2-year-old small Shih Tzu. The younger dog has a lot of energy and loves to chew on half a deer antler, cut into pieces, along with other objects. Someone mentioned that this could have an effect on her baby teeth.

Do I need to be concerned about this?

— Sidney Mygatt, Los Gatos

DEAR SIDNEY: Chewing on things can be good for dogs, especially puppies, who can suffer teething pain, but antlers are not the best choice for puppies or adult dogs. At best, they should be provided in limited amounts.

One of the appeals for dogs – mine included – that go through a standard “chew” in a matter of minutes, is that antlers and other hard chew toys last longer. Antlers are not likely to splinter, and dogs usually aren’t able to break off small pieces and swallow them, which can lead to an emergency vet visit. But antlers are so hard, they can damage the enamel on the dog’s teeth and put dogs at increased risk of dental disease.

In general, chew toys should have some flex in them; how much depends on the type of dog you have. Dogs fall into three basic categories – the inhalers or gulpers, the destroyers and the nibblers.

Inhalers go through their chews in a matter of minutes. They tend to break off a bit and swallow it, bypassing the chewing exercise all together. I used to give my dog, Bailey, a daily Greenie, which is supposed to help dogs clean their teeth as they chew the treat. Bailey would finish off his Greenie in three unhelpful bites.

Destroyers rip their chew toys apart but don’t necessarily swallow them. They are adept at popping the stitches in plush toys and ripping out the guts, including any noisemakers inside. My sister’s dog was an expert at this. I loved bringing her new toys, which she would pounce on and play with for a while. Then you’d hear the popping sounds as she, with surgical precision, snapped each stitch and began removing the cotton stuffing. Costly, but entertaining to watch.

The nibblers are exactly what they sound like. They treat their toys with respect, chewing softly and making them last.

I suspect your grandpups are strong chewers. If so, look for rubber toys that have a little give in them – if you can’t press your thumbnail into the toy, it’s too hard to be chewed. And if you’re looking for chewable treats, many vets recommend “Whimzees,” a durable, edible treat.

DEAR JOAN: Regarding the deer chasing the coyote, our deer seem to be quite capable of looking after themselves and their progeny regarding coyotes. Mountain lions are a different game.

I have a video of one of our does chasing a coyote. Also, one time backpacking at about 9,000 feet, we had a fawn come running towards us closely followed by a coyote, however right behind the coyote was mom. The fawn continued by us, and the coyote split off the chase. Mom did follow the fawn.

— Jeff, Pittsburg

DEAR JEFF: We should never underestimate the fierceness of a mom protecting her offspring.

Contact Joan Morris at The Animal Life column runs on Mondays.

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