DEAR JOAN: A few months ago a ginger tomcat came into our yard. After a few days, we coaxed him to us. He is still quite skittish.
We began feeding him, and he started hanging around and chasing away other cats, including a neighbor’s cat that visited frequently. I bring him into the house to be petted before I feed him.
Lately he has begun to nip at my hand, arm or leg, sometimes drawing blood. What could be the cause of this action?
— Richard Steele, Hollister
DEAR RICHARD: The best answer is probably “because he’s a cat,” but I’ll try to get more specific.
Cats bite for all sorts of reasons. Three common ones are: They’re playing, they’re tired of playing, they’re angry. Kittens, like teenagers with newly minted driver’s licenses, have to learn from experience — in the cat’s case, how to use their nails and teeth. They practice on their siblings and sometimes their mom, all of whom let them know when they bite too hard.
When adult cats have been on their own, having to hunt for their meals or compete with other animals for handouts, they can become food aggressive. Your ginger tom might perceive you as competition for thefood, even though you’re the one providing it.
He might also be overly excited to be getting food. When cats become over-stimulated, they can lash out with teeth or claws.
Another possibility involves the cat’s natural instinct to hunt, and because Ginger has been living on the streets, his hunt drive could be running hot.
It’s important to know that cat bites are ways of communicating. Painful ways, but as they can’t speak our language and haven’t mastered texting, this is how they do it. Our job is to figure out what they are trying to say.
If you feed the cat after a petting session, he might be too worked up. Try feeding first, petting later.
If he wants to hunt, try laying a trail of food for him, placing a few morsels leading up to the dish so that he has a chance to stalk the wild kibble.
When you go to feed him, if you detect signs of anger – flicking tail, ears laid back – he might think you’re going to take food from him. In this case, put the food in the bowl before you let him in to eat and keep a safe distance from the feeding area.
All animals carry germs and bacteria in their mouths, and bites can easily become infected. Be sure to wash the wound immediately and apply an antibiotic cream. If it’s a deep bite, you should see your doctor. And if you haven’t had a tetanus shot, get one now.
DEAR JOAN: I want to get a real Christmas tree instead of using our pre-lit artificial one that is starting to look a little grubby, but we have a dog this year and I worry about him around the tree. What are the risks?
— Angie A., Martinez
DEAR ANGIE: It depends on your dog. Until you know how the dog acts around the tree, don’t leave them alone with it.
You should introduce the tree into the household slowly, putting it up and leaving it bare for a day or so before adding lights and ornaments.
If you get a real tree, don’t let the dog drink water from the tree stand, especially if you use chemicals to help preserve the tree. If you suspect your dog has swallowed needles – real or fake – or anydecorations, consult your vet immediately.
Contact Joan Morris at
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