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A deer passes by a downed fence near a path in unincorporated Diablo, Calif., on Tuesday, Oct. 25, 2022. Use of the path has become a campaign issue over whether it should be open to bicyclists to access Mount Diablo. (Bay Area News Group)
A deer passes by a downed fence near a path in unincorporated Diablo, Calif., on Tuesday, Oct. 25, 2022. Use of the path has become a campaign issue over whether it should be open to bicyclists to access Mount Diablo. (Bay Area News Group)

DEAR JOAN: First, I would like to say how fortunate we all are in the Bay Area for all the open space we have to enjoy. I so appreciate all the hard work in obtaining and maintaining this land, specifically the John Muir Land Trust for all their amazing work. I have been enjoying the open space around Martinez for decades.

On several occasions, I have noticed what appears to be several deer chasing a coyote on one of the many critter trails throughout Briones and Dutra Ranch. I’m wondering if this was just a coincidence or actually what I might perceive as Unusual Deer Behavior.

Jim Dippo, Martinez

DEAR JIM: Unusual behavior? I don’t know that I’d say that. Coyotes attacking deer is far more common, but while the coyote is looking to eat, the deer is looking to not be eaten. They’re going to fight back.

It would be unusual for a gang of deer to stalk a coyote, but I think in this case, the deer were acting proactively. I think it likely that the coyote was minding its own business, and the deer probably wanted to drive the coyote out of the territory, or at best, give it something to think about should it decide in the future to have venison for dinner.

As you saw just one coyote, the odds were definitely in the favor of the deer. Although a single coyote is capable of bringing down even a big buck on its own, the bigger threat is when a pack is involved. Although a deer is not much of a match against a coyote, there are known cases of deer fending off coyotes.

DEAR JOAN: Maybe you can help with this flying mystery I’ve got at my homestead. This dove, or pigeon, showed up out of the blue a few months ago. It has taken up residence on the roof of a shed attached to the front of my workshop.

It will also sometimes mooch food from a neighboring business. I feed and water it every day. It is sheltered by the overhang of my shop roof, but seems to often sleep in some of the neighboring trees on the property.

The leg band appears to read “Iraq  2021.” I’ve tried contacting several homing pigeon clubs in the Bay Area, but none have responded. One of their sites mentioned the significance of different band colors, but none that I could find mentioned green ones.

It seems to be tame, and comfortable around people, but so far hasn’t let me touch it.

Mike Walko, Knightsen

DEAR MIKE: Researchers band birds to help monitor their movements and life spans. Pigeon racing clubs also keep track of their birds with bands denoting the club and the specific bird.

Green is a common leg band color in racing circles; the letters typically represent the owner or the club, and the number is the year the pigeon was hatched. While I couldn’t find an “Iraq” club listed in the Bay Area – there is one in Minnesota – I did find an IROC club in Elk Grove. I suspect that’s where the wayward bird is from.

To report a found racing pigeon, you can email American Racing Pigeon Union’s website at You can email the Elk Grove club at

It’s getting cold out there, so you might want to look at getting the bird a warm, safe place to hang out.

Contact Joan Morris at The Animal Life column runs on Mondays.

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